What's New in Eth2 - 3 December 2018

Edition 9. Archive. Trouble viewing? Load original.

My avatarBen Edgington (PegaSys, ConsenSys — but views expressed are all my own)

The Cleanups Part 1 Edition

Tl;dr As Justin said in a podcast back in August, "It's a hard life for the people implementing sharding". The Beacon chain spec continues to be under heavy revision, with multiple, extensive reworkings and refactorings to keep track of. Nevertheless, substantive changes are few, suggesting that completeness may be in sight!

Specification updates

Beacon chain specification (Phase 0)

In addition, there has been a little flurry of PRs from my PegaSys colleague, Daniel Burnett. Dan has a couple of decades of experience in professional standards creation and will be helping to improve the usability, reliability and precision of the Ethereum 2.0 specs. So far, there's a start on a notation section, intra-document linking for key terms, and normative and informative references.

Shard chains specification (Phase 1)

No updates this week.

Simple Serialize

Just a proofread.

BLS verification

A separate specification for BLS signature verification has been added.

Validators in Ethereum 2.0 use BLS signatures rather than the more familiar ECDSA signatures used in current Ethereum. The main reason is that individual signatures from validators in a committee can be aggregated into a single signature that is easy to verify.


Reminder: take a look at the open issues marked RFC and get involved. Currently open for discussion:

Implementers' call

There was a call on 29 November.

Some highlights:


It's worth keeping an eye on progress in what was formerly known as Ethereum 1.x. Various documents have been produced by the working groups. Many of these ideas will have some bearing on Ethereum 2.0. In particular, the output of the State Rent working group is is a hot topic.



In other news...

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